The Orchestra Rocks: Young People’s Concert

One universal element of music is rhythm. Composers and musicians play with elements of musical time, creating patterns of sound and silence that are expressive and exciting. A consistent groove can unite musicians, singers, and audiences in an experience of listening and performing together. Through the Link Up repertoire, hands-on activities, and a culminating interactive performance with a professional orchestra, we will discover how the orchestra rocks.

This full orchestra program is highly engaging and has pieces that students are invited to sing, move and play.  Resources and professional development are available to help teachers prepare their students for the highest level of engagement.  After you register, Director of Education, Helen Martell, will contact you to set up a meeting.  We hope that you will consider bringing your students!

This Wednesday, February 7, 12pm performance is only open to private schools and homeschool programs. For questions please contact Helen Martell at

This is a national program of Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute.